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4 Reason Not to Put Temperature Data Loggers in Fridge

New customers who have started looking for temperature data loggers to monitor their freezers and refrigerators often ask, "do you have a temperature data logger that you can put in your fridge?" Based on our past experience with some customers who have tried this approach, we recommend that you do not keep the temperature data logger in the refrigerator! This sounds simple, but it's certainly easier than knowing how to place a probe in the fridge. However, there are four reasons why you don't want to put the temperature data logger in the refrigerator.

Reducing Signal

If the "wireless temperature data logger" is used with WiFi, bluetooth or other types of wireless data, the metal casing of the refrigerator significantly reduces the "wireless" signal. It's like trying to use your phone in an elevator. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. If the fridge has a glass door, a signal may be received. But if cabinets and doors are made of metal, they rely on signals to get rid of small gaps around the door seals. Typically, this results in a significant reduction in signal strength, which results in very limited or intermittent operations.

Reducing Battery Capacity

Another important reason is that the low temperature in the refrigerator can greatly reduce the battery capacity. As a rule of thumb, the type of lithium battery most commonly used in temperature data loggers is 50 percent cooler at 0°F. At low temperature, the internal resistance of the battery increases and the output voltage decreases. In short, this can lead to frequent battery changes. Some customers use the popular "USB Logger" line, which complains of less than a month of battery life. These loggers are surprising because they typically run for six to nine months on a pair of batteries. It was later discovered that the recorder had been placed directly in a refrigerator operating at 0°F.

Delaying Display

If the device has an LCD and needs to read data or alarm information from the display, it can be difficult at low temperatures. The standard LCDS used in most low-cost temperature data loggers are designed to run at temperatures up to 32 degrees Fahrenheit. When the temperature drops, the display responds very slowly, so the data on the screen may no longer be able to be updated. Usually, the monitor is not permanently damaged. It works well during preheating, but the LCD may malfunction at low temperatures.

Condensation Damage

After all, there is always a risk that the temperature data logger will be damaged by internal condensation when it is removed from the freezer. At some point, the device is usually pulled out of the refrigerator to download the stored data. On warm days, leaving the cold data recorder on the table is like leaving a glass of ice water on the table. If the dew point is higher than the temperature of the recorder coming out of the refrigerator, condensation occurs. Everyone knows that water and electronics don't mix well! We received several maintenance equipment which showed obvious signs of internal moisture damage due to condensation. Even if the original bug can be fixed, there is usually a potential problem, and it is recommended to do so.

I know it is. 4 reasons you can't put your temperature data logger in the fridge. This may seem like a task, but in the long run, it's a good idea to install the temperature data logger outside the refrigerator and run the probe inside. The simplest and most common method is to pass the probe line through the door seal. Protection with small aluminum foil tape (for HVAC applications) prevents door wear.

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